Embracing your Goddess Power
by Leanne MacDonald, Spiritual Transformation Coach & Founder of The Everyday Goddess Revolution.
Something that has been so transformational for me was realising that I always had a choice in life, leading me to explore my truth and reclaiming my power.
For such a long time I lived life as if I had to accept the hand of which I was dealt. Now as I write that it makes me laugh that I lived this way for over 60% of my life.
Navigating life’s circumstances as if I were walking through a river of mud, I was mentally exhausted, physically exhausted, and was most definitely not embracing my Goddess power.
A proverb that really speaks to me is ‘When sleeping women wake, mountains move’ and this is so true, I woke up to my truth and began to live my life Goddess powered.
I began by exploring the identity that I had created of myself. I began to explore the origin of this identity and realise that I had constructed it. Along my journey of life, I had carefully crafted this version of who I thought I was based upon external life circumstances.
Moments in time had shaped who I thought I was. Was I really that person at my core or was I just that person in that moment in time from my past? A past that had since left and no longer existed.
I had handed over my power to people, places and events that had gone on to become the lens from which I viewed myself and my life. And then I lived unconsciously by this self-perception.
When I woke up to my truth and reclaimed my power everything changed. I could see possibility in everything. I felt empowered knowing that I held the power within to perceive life in any which way I chose, or not at all!
Understanding that I was created from one source, one spirit and that this one source and spirit created everything, and everyone, was information that was so familiar to me.
It was my truth.
From this place of oneness my perception of people and their behaviour, including my own, completely shifted.
Life started to look like a magical game, I began to push my limitations and ask myself ‘What could I possibly create today?’
My emotional experiences became more of a source of curiosity and I started to use them as guide to warn me when I was too far into my old stories. When I feel that emotional tension, I am fighting an internal perception in my mind. Now just let that fight go.
Embracing your inner Goddess means awakening to your truth and pure potential, unravelling the stories you have placed upon yourselves in a sleeping state.
It means shining that light from within and embracing all of who you are.
It means knowing the power you hold and waking up each day choosing to create a life aligned with your heart.
The more I embrace my inner Goddess the more I see the perfection in all of my life’s experiences so far, that have brought me to this day.
You are powerful beyond your comprehension, you have within you a magic that flows through you and out from you, creating the life you see as your reality.
Everything in that reality is temporary and if you can create one version you can create 1000 more.
People, places, and life events do not make who you are, nor can they take away the magic that is inside of you.
They are just your moments in time.
Now it is your time to stand in your power and awaken that Goddess within and live your life Goddess powered.
My top tips for embracing your inner Goddess:
1 — Create a daily practise.
Each morning or evening dedicate some time to remembering your truth, meditation, journaling, using oracle cards. They are all wonderful ways to allow your wisdom to flow through and guide you.
2 — Use your emotions as a guide.
Begin to look at your emotions as your guide, a reflection of the quality of your thinking in that moment. Remembering that uncomfortable emotions occur when we are perceiving life to mean something about who we are as a person. Allow yourself to fully feel each emotion that arises, without making meaning of how you feel. It is simply showing you what is going on in your subconscious in that moment, nothing more.
3 — Explore the identity you have created.
Who is it that you believe you are? When did you start to believe this about yourself? Why did you start to believe this about yourself? If the answer to that last question is because of a person, situation, or event then you have constructed your current identity on a past moment in time. Begin to explore instead who you would like to become, what is important to you, what life you would like to lead and begin to make some adjustments. Remember everything and anything is possible for you, you become who you believe you are.
You can find out more about Leanne and The Everyday Goddess Revolution at https://theeverydaygoddessrevolution.com